Witchlight Blog — Wheel of the Year

The Autumn Equinox - Celebrating Light and Dark on Witch's Mabon

Mabon Wheel of the Year

The Autumn Equinox - Celebrating Light and Dark on Witch's Mabon

The Autumn Equinox has been observed for as long as humankind has watched the heavens - one of two earthly days where day and night are equal. We know from myths, legends and monoliths that the Ancients believed the Equinox to be a holy day. Cultures the world over observe this celestial event with deep belief in its magic.  What is Mabon and Why Do Witches Celebrate it? As one of the eight sabbats on the Wheel of the Year, Mabon today is widely celebrated among Neopagans and modern witches. Falling in line with the history of the Autumn Equinox,...

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